Lydian International is planning to embark on fresh legal action against Armenia after hitting a new roadblock on its path to building the massive Amulsar...
Aim-listed gold miner Chaarat Gold, which operates the Kapan mine, in Armenia, and is developing the Tulkubash project in the Kyrgyz Republic, sees potential to...
The contentious issue of gold mining in Armenia presents the Pashinyan government with a difficult dilemma Along with a group of activists, residents from...
EBRD support for a mining investment in southwestern Mongolia will create jobs and ensure the highest possible environmental standards at the Khundii Gold project in...
Tethyan Resource has announced the discovery of an outcropping gold porphyry system on the western side of is Kremice project, south-western Serbia. The company...
Lithium borate reserves at the site near Loznica have been estimated roughly at 135 million tons. Vladimir Simić, a professor of the Faculty of Mining...